Bulletin Board

GO Souper Bowl!!

Time for our Annual Souper Bowl of Caring February 16.

Please bring your favorite soup for a chance to win your name on the traveling soup pot. When you give a goodwill donation you will receive a voting chip. Soups will be voted on by placing a chip in front of your favorite soup. We will total the chips and the soup with the most chips will be the 2025 winner! All proceeds will go to the Antigo Food Pantry.

Sign up in the narthex with your favorite soup. If you do not want to make soup, you can support the event by bringing some bread or a dessert. Wear your favorite game jersey and support your team! Hope to have perfect attendance! Come join in the fun. There will be a craft/ fun table for kids.

Ash Wednesday Fish Fry Supper and Service

Ash Wednesday is March 5, and marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is the season of the church calendar leading up to our Easter Celebration. It is a season of forty days, not counting Sundays, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. Lent is a time for self-examination and repentance, reflection on Jesus’ death on the cross, and recommitment to serving Jesus with our whole heart. This year on Ash Wednesday we will be having a fish fry at 5:30 p.m., put on by the Brothers in Faith, followed by a short worship service at 6:30 with the giving of ashes and communion. Come and mark the beginning of the Lenten season with your church family.

Sunday School News

The children attend church with their families at 10am. After children’s time, the children are dismissed to go to their Sunday school classes. All children are welcome from age 3 through 6th grade. We currently do not have a youth group so older youth are welcome and encouraged to join the older elementary class. We are looking for help in the Pre-school age class. If you are interested in reading to children or helping them with a craft, please call Marge Miller or the church office.  To make our Sunday worship meaningful, kids can take part in the service too. Boys and girls 4th grade or older can be acolytes. Acolytes are the bearers of the flame that light the candles at the opening of the service and extinguish them at the service’s conclusion. A few of the children have done this, but we would like others to try it too. We will be having a training session soon.

Sisters in Faith

Sisters have just completed the story of Jacob in our study and discussion of Max Lucado’s “Ten Men of the Bible”. We are beginning the study of Moses. We will meet the Tuesdays of February 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th from 1-2 pm in the third grade classroom.

Church Library News

Would you like to read a great love story this month, Valentine’s Day? Read the Holy Bible, God’s love story to us. Crazy Love, by Francis Chan is another great book about Jesus’ unconditional love. There are many Christian fiction romance novels in the church library. Stop in and find the right read for you. Or try one of these non-fiction books.

  • For couples: The Love List, make a difference in your marriage.
  • For men: A Man and His Loves, vital masculine relationships.
  • For those in grief: How to Survive the Loss of a Love.
  • For anyone who is not a hermit: The Relationship Principles of Jesus, by Tom Holladay,
    the teaching pastor at Saddleback Church. (Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life is the founding pastor of Saddleback Church.) What would Jesus do when relating to people, and loving people? Tom Holladay explains six principles to help us in all relationships using Jesus’ actions and
    teachings as example. This easy-to-read book can help in all areas of our lives and has study
    questions for each chapter. Share the love and keep reading!

Antigo Community Garden

God provides the sun, water, and soil. You provide the seeds and the will to plant and till the soil. Together a bountiful harvest is produced.

Volunteers Needed to Operate Our Video Camera

We would like others to volunteer to help run the camara on Sunday mornings.  We will train you and we have instructions printed. We can train during the week or on Sunday mornings. We would also sit with you for a couple of times until you are comfortable.  It is easy.  We would like to have enough people trained so that we can take turns on a rotating schedule.  If you are only slightly interested, try it. Call the church office for details.