About Us

Here at the Antigo UMC, we believe everyone should be welcome to a place where they can come to know God. With God’s grace and blessings, we desire that our faith community will be such a place. We believe God desires a relationship with everyone and that God became human in the form of a person named Jesus Christ. Jesus lived to show us how to model our own lives and to give us an eternal means by which we can be in a right relationship with God, overcoming our own imperfections. Since we are all imperfect…we accept each person as they are and since it is God who brings us to perfection in God’s own time and in God’s own way and in God’s own wisdom…it is not our place to judge anyone as unworthy to be in our midst and we believe everyone is worthy to receive God’s grace. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ that we, the people of the Antigo United Methodist Church, will be a means by which God imparts that grace to each and everyone.


Pastor Debbie Pimm
2034 Fifth Avenue, Antigo, WI 54409
Pastor’s Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (Mon-Thurs)
Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (Mon-Thurs)
Other times by appointment
Office: 715-623-3802
Parsonage: 715-623-7485
Cell: 715-219-4205

Dave Arndt – Church Custodian / Maintenance
Greg Bruss – Treasurer
Mary Kay Hayes – Organist
Denise Janke – Church Secretary and Financial Secretary
Kaia Vaughn – Church Housekeeper